While studying fluid mechanics, one is introduced to a material derivative. I have to admit that when I first learned this material derivative concept, I had no problem implementing it mathematically but the physical reason of why this was needed was not very clear to me. Here are a sequence of 3 videos I found to be very useful in understanding the physical need of a material derivative. Don’t be fooled by the appearance of the videos since they are and looked a little old for today’s standards; however, the information provided is very well explained and still current. These videos are by John L. Lumley who is a famous world known professor in fluid mechanics. I have utilized his book (Co-author with H. Tennekes) “A First Course in Turbulence” and it is really good on physical representation. If you need to utilize the material derivative, I would recommend watching these videos carefully and understand what is being said, even if you have to watch them a couple of times like I did. It will all make sense afterwards.
Here are the Videos, just click on the links below:
Eulerian and Lagrangian Description Part1
Eulerian and Lagrangian Description Part2
Eulerian and Lagrangian Description Part3
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