

Mani, P., Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V.,2012, “Comparison of Area-averaged and Local Boiling Curves in Pool and Jet Impingement Boiling,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 42, pp. 115-127

Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V., 2012, "Submerged Jet Impingement Boiling of Water Under Subatmospheric Conditions," Journal of Heat Transfer, 134 (2), 020909 (8 pages)

Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V., 2011, “Heat And Mass Transfer Characteristics Of A Constrained Thin-Film Ammonia-Water Bubble Absorber”, International Journal of Refrigeration, 34 (1), pp. 113-128. 

Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V., 2010, “A Numerical Model for Ammonia-water Absorption into a Constrained Microscale Film”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 49 (9), pp. 1787-1798


Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V., 2012, “A Correlation for Critical Heat Flux in Submerged Jet Impingement Boiling,”Proceeding of ASME Heat Transfer, Fluids Engineering, & Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Conference, HT2012-58376, Rio Mar, PR-USA.

Cardenas, R., Mani, P., Narayanan, V., Dokken, C., 2012, “On The Elimination of Temperature Overshoot During Jet Impingement Boiling of Highly Wetting Fluids,” Proceeding of ECI 8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, p_1466, Lausanne,Switzerland.

Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V., 2011, “Critical Heat Flux During Submerged Jet Impingement Boiling of Saturated Water at Sub-Atmospheric Conditions,” Proceeding of ASME- Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Systems MEMS and NEMS, InterPACK2011-52043, Portland, OR-USA.

Mani, P., Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V., 2011, “Submerged Jet Impingement Boiling on a Non-Uniformly Heated Polished Silicon Surface,” Proceeding of ASME- Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Systems MEMS and NEMS, InterPACK2011-52042, Portland, OR-USA.

Cardenas, R., Mani, P., Narayanan, V., 2011, “Sub-Atmospheric Mini-Jet Impingement Boiling of Water Under Saturated and Subcooled Conditions”, Proceeding of ASME/JSME 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, AJTEC2011-44388, Honolulu, HI-USA.

Cardenas, R., Mani, P., Narayanan, V., 2010, “Submerged Jet Impingement Boiling of Saturated Water under Sub-Atmospheric Conditions”, Proceeding of ASME 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, ICNMM2010-30749, MontrĂ©al, CA-QC. 

Cardenas, R., Narayanan, V., 2008, “A Numerical Study of Ammonia-Water Absorption into a Constrained Microscale Film”, Proceedings of ASME- International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2008-67021, Boston, US-MA.

Cardenas, R., Chan, J., M., Jenks, J., Narayanan, V., 2008, “Performance of a constrained film bubble absorber under system operating conditions”, Proceedings of ASME- International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES2008-54125, Jacksonville, US-FL.

Heymann, D., Young, J., Cardenas, R., 2007, “Non-Intrusive Unilateral Measurements of Void Incidence within a Microchannel”, Proceedings of ASME- International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Young Engineer Paper, IMECE2007-42009, Seattle, US-WA.


Cardenas, R., 2011. Submerged Jet Impingement Boiling Thermal Management: Ph.D dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Cardenas, R., 2009. Study of a Constrained-film Bubble Absorber Under Cycle Operating Conditions. M.S thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
